Books Mind Work

Are you doing the right work for you?

Mulle meeldivad raamatud ja meeldib käia/olla raamatupoes. Kui ma Dublinis elasin, siis raamatupood oli koht, kus ma end kodus tundsin. Ka seal oli õigetel raamatutel teatud gravitatsioon, mis mind nende poole tõmbas. Tollest ajast olen endaga kaasas kandnud raamatut The Tibetan Art of Positive Thinking.

Eelmisel nädalal oli ühe kolleegiga juttu sellest, et tema on leidnud tööalaselt oma koha üles ning see pani mind mõtlema. Et kuidas me saame aru, et oleme õiges kohas ja miks mõned teevad tööd, mis midagi hingele ei paku ja üleüldse, kas see on tähtis, et töö ja töökeskkond oleksid rõõmuallikad. Ja mida siis teha, kui see nii ei ole ning kes vastutab muutumise või muutuse tegemise eest.

Christopher Hansard on oma raamatus ka sellel teemal rääkinud. Peatükis “Your daily work” võrdleb ta läänemaailma ja Bön maailmavaadet. Läänemaailma vaadet te kõik teate – aeg on raha ja raha ei ole (kunagi piisavalt) – aga Bön maailmavaate järgi on töö lihtsalt üks meedium, mille kaudu me saame kasvada. Nii vaimselt, kui ka emotsionaalselt ning ennekõike toob see kasu inimesele endale.

Töö läbi me kogeme, kes me tegelikult oleme.

Are you doing the right work for you?

To do work that is wrong for you is the path of misery and frustration. There are examples around us, of people who hate what they do, or who at best put up with it while feeling their work is too easy, too hard, wrong for them in some way or  even dishonest.

There are many reasons why we choose our work. Sometimes the choice is influenced by fear and doubt about our place in the world. Those who doubt their own abilities or who feel uncertain about their  place in the world may choose work that appears safe and predictable, even if it is not satisfying. Or they may choose work in which their negative beliefs about themselves are acted out; that is, in which  they are treated badly, poorly or undervalued.

Work is means of self-knowledge. Look at the work you do and you will learn how you feel about yourself and where you are in your life at present. This is the most useful guide we can have. If you are unhappy in your work, even if it is well paid or gives you great deal of power, then earning even more and working even harder will not make you feel better.

It takes courage to recognise that your work is not right for you and to make changes. And when you have to overcome great obstacles in order to make such a change there is an opportunity to extract wisdom from each step along the way. Others may object or encourage you to stay where you are. But it is your own inner voice you must listen to, and your own path that you must follow. Think about what brought you to the work you currently do. Then look at the contribution your work makes to your life as a whole. List the positive and negative effects your work has on your life. Which is the greater list?

Is your deepest impulse to stay, or to go?

The right job for you will have the following qualities:

  • You will enjoy the work for its own sake as well as for rewards it brings.
  • Your job will fit into a balanced lifestyle in which your home and family life, self-care and spiritual needs are equally important.
  • Your job will not involve harming anyone or dishonesty of any kind.
  • Your job will use your talents and abilities.
  • Your job will involve working with others in a supportive and harmonious ways.
  • Your job will create a sense of contentment in your life and will not involve forced effort or an attempt to fit in.
  • Your beliefs and those of your employer will be in harmony. I don’t mean company mission statement, but the underlying beliefs that underpin the company.
  • Your working environment will be harmonious and pleasant.


Allikas: Christopher Hansard “The Tibetan Art of Positive Thinking”


What is Bön? Bön was a traditition that began 17 000 years ago and was predominant in Central Asia and Tibet for most of that time. The Bön teachings are less well known than Buddhists teachings, but even in the raveged Tibet of today there are thousands who practise Bön, and many other followers are spread around the world.

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