Aromatherapy Body Books Mind

Happiness and the mind

“I wonder what’s around the bend? said the explorer.
I wonder what that plant is? said the collector.
I wonder what’s in it? said the chemist.
I wonder what activity it has? said the pharmacologist.
I wonder if it’ll work in this case? said the physician.
I hope she lives! said the father.
Please God! said the mother.
I think she’ll be all right in the morning, said the nurse.”

Margaret Kreig (Green Medicine)


Happiness is very personal thing – what makes one person happy would not necessarily make another one happy. However it comes though, happiness is glorious.

In a sense, it is nothing more than the ability to accept who we are and how we are living, instead of striving to be someone we could never be. Accepting our limitations is one door to happiness; having self-worth is another.

Ever since human beings first walked the earth they have searched for materials which would ease their suffering. As time went on they came to know which plants would feed their hunger, which would poison, and which would heal. In ancient Sumerian town of Nippur, prescriptions were written out on clay tablets and from these we know that over 4000 years ago people used flowers, seeds, leaves, fruits, roots and barks in their medicine. Among the plants they used were thyme (tüümian), myrrh (mürr) and pine (mänd) – which are still used today in the form of essential oils – and willow (paju), the source of aspirin.

Essential oils and human beings have great deal in common. We are both alive – chemically, electrically, and in terms of infrared radiation. Essential oils come from plants, while we ourselves rely totally on plants for our sustenance – we eat plants, and animals which eat plants, and breathe air made possible by plants.

Essential oils will not put a person in a happy state if they have been miserable all their lives, but they will certainly help in a subtle way to bring out our happiness. Traditionally aromas have been used for celebrations and other happy occasions. When it comes to choosing single oil or oils to blend, pick aromas that appeal to you, that feel right.

Some essential oils for happiness

Orange, Rose Otto, Rose Maroc, Jasmine, Coriander, Ginger, Clove, Cinnamon, Benzoin, Carnation, Pimento Berry, Geranium

Happiness blend 1
19 drops of Orange
5 drops of Rose Maroc
5 drops of Jasmine
1 drop of Clove


Happiness blend 2
5 drops of Pimento Berry
10 drops of Geranium
5 drops of Cinnamon
10 drops of Ginger


Source: “The Fragrant Mind : Aromaherapy for Personality, Mind, Mood and Emotion” by Valerie Ann Worwood

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