Art Books Craft Happiness Therapy Wellbeing

Kudumine kui tervendav kunst?

See algas juba vana-aastaõhtul, mil ma lihtsalt kudusin. Kudusin ja kudusin kuni öösel kella neljani.. on öeldud, et see, mida teed uusaastaööl, seda teed terve järgmise aasta. Nii on ka läinud. Ma olen kudunud seitse paari sokke, osalenud emadepäeva salakudumise projektis, kudunud valmis valge palmikutega kampsuni. Ja plaanin veel kududa, tunne on, et alles alustasin.. Saladus on selles, et kudumine on tervendav kunst ja allpool on natuke linke ja artikleid, kus sellest lähemalt räägitakse. Kes armastab lugeda, siis allpool on ka raamatusoovitus.

In a survey carried out by Stitchlinks and Cardiff  University of over 3,500 knitters from 31 countries – 81% felt happier after knitting, 54% felt happy or very happy, fewer than 1% remained sad. Excitingly and significantly this translated across to those with clinical depression. The most significant finding was that the more frequently people knit (>3x week) the happier and calmer they feel. (

Thanks to the pioneering work of Betsan Corkhill, scientists, clinicians and psychologists around the world are realising and accepting the health benefits of knitting.

Its rhythmic movement is the key. The brain likes rhythm because it is predictable, it makes your brain feel safe. It has already transformed and even saved lives.

Change and challenges are an inevitable feature of life. Modern day stresses are many and varied. To stay healthy we all need an accessible tool we can rely on any time, anywhere. Knitting can even be used as an effective tool to manage and improve the symptoms of long-term health problems.

Take a look at the box on the right. All these conditions and more have been significantly helped by the simple, rhythmic act of knitting.

Knit for Health and Wellness. How to knit a flexible mind and more… is already transforming the way people think about health, wellness and knitting.

Raamatust “Knit for Health & Wellness

Thus, creative action can function as a natural antidepressant. In the words of D.W. Winnicott psychoanalyst, pediatrician and creativity expert, “It is creative apperception more than anything else that makes the individual feel that life is worth living.” (Psychology Today)

Emadepäev 2021 salakudumise projekt: pitsi- ja palmikutega pikad sokid, lõng: Novita 7 Veljestä, vardad: nr 3, disain: Niina Laitinen

Vaikselt nokitsen oma Etsy poe kallal, kuna mul seal tooteid veel ei ole, siis ma live-sse läinud ka ei ole. See on tulemas, arvan, et august-september on lives. Pakun seal rahulikke asju õnnelikele inimestele maalähedastes ja roosades toonides. Selliseid nagu mulle endale meeldiks saada. Võibolla lisan sinna ka oma ehted, veel mediteerin selle üle.

Novita 7 Veljesta lõng, Niina Laitinen disain, värv: metsik roos, meetod: käsitsi kudumine

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Miks käsitöö? Sest see aitab vaimsele heaolule kaasa, leevendab stressi ja lõõgastab.

Ja siin on paar artiklit:

The Power of the Creative Arts in Health and Healing

Craft to Heal: Soothing Your Soul with Sewing, Painting, and Other Pastimes

The Healing Powers of Craft

Knit One, Purl One: Knitting as a Healing Art

Creativity, Happiness and Your Own Two Hands

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