Ma olen kuulnud, et kui õpilane on valmis, siis õpetaja tuleb. Olen seda varem ka kogenud, sel nädalavahetusel kogesin uuesti. Ja olen temaga terve nädalavahetuse veetnud, kuid süües on isu ainult kasvanud.
“Change your story, change your life” ütleb Tony Robbins ja kui ühel viisil oma tahtmist ei saa, siis tuleb muuta oma strateegiat. Ignorance is not bliss, ignorance is poverty and ignorance is pain. Kuid selleks, et elus oleks suund, peavad olema selged eesmärgid, õige mindset ja õige ajastus. Right story and right state of mind. Decisions, not conditions, determine the destiny. Wake up and decide conciously.
- What to focus on?
- What these things mean?
- What to do?
Tony Robbins, life and performance coach, CEO whisperer and bestselling author of “Money: Master the Game“, “Unshakeable: Your Financial Freedom Playbook” and “Awaken The Giant Within“.
*Tony Robbins is a bestselling author, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. For more than thirty-nine years, millions of people have enjoyed the warmth, humor, and the transformational power of Mr. Robbins’s business and personal development events. He is the nation’s #1 life and business strategist. He’s called upon to consult and coach some of the world’s finest athletes, entertainers, Fortune 500 CEOs, and even presidents of nations. Robbins is the chairman of a holding company comprised of more than a dozen businesses with combined sales exceeding five billion dollars a year. His philanthropic efforts helped provide more than 100 million meals in the last year alone. He lives in Palm Beach, Florida.