Body Books Mind

The Fragrant Mind: body holding emotions

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow”
1 Corinthians, 3:6


Nii algab Valerie Ann Worwood‘i raamatu The Fragrant Mind tutvustus. Ta käsitleb emotsionaalset heaolu uuel moel ja seda läbi aroomiteraapia prisma. Kuigi enamus on selles raamatus eeterlikest õlidest, siis teen siia oma lugemispäevikusse väljavõte keha-meele seose kohta. Allpool on ka joonised, kus inimese emotsionaalsed pinged kehas elavad.

Enamus inimesi seostab aroomiteraapiat stressi leevendamisega, kuid see on ainult jäämäe tipp. Eeterlikes õlides peidus täielik materia medica nii meelele, tujule ja ka emotsioonidele. Selleks, et neid kasutada, ei pea olema haige. Raamatu The Fragrant Mind esimene osa on pühendatud meelele, teine osa emotsionaalsele tervenemisele aroomiteraapia abil ja kolmas osa Aroma-Genera annab eeterlike  õlide tüpoloogia, andes ka soovitusi nende kasutamiseks.


The brain drives everything: every word is  projected from it, every mood emanates from it, every feeling passes through the brain at some point. But the brain and body are one, they work together all the time, part of the same system. You can’t have one without the other. What happens in the brain decides whether you’re going to be happy or sad; it decides whether or not life is worth living. But we are very passive about the brain, we don’t pay much attention to our emotions until something goes wrong. We don’t take our brain to the emotional gym for a work-out, like we exercise our body to feel fit and stay well. But with strong mind, we can do anything, even cure disease in our own body, of course, control their brain, or at least attend to its well-being.

On a simple level, we can see from someone’s hunched up shoulders that they are carrying tension. It doesn’t stop there though. The human body holds all the traumas, pain, distress, tension and emotional crisis within muscular structure. Every thought and feeling we have is etched in our body, the map of ou experiences. Some people can read the maps better than the others and know which areas to work with specialist techniques to relieve some of the tension.

Source: Valerie Ann Worwood “The Frafgrant Mind” p 285-288

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